Theatre of Listening

The “Theatre of Listening” is a concept developed by CRM in 1994 which integrates the results of acoustic and psychoacoustic research studies with the aesthetic aspects of electronic and instrumental
musical language in the form of functional art and performance installation.

Timbric characterization of the listening space, the use of diverse sound radiation technologies and the dynamic control of trajectories and localization of sound make it possible to increase the modes of enjoying music through appreciation of the timbric, vibrational and rhythmical relations typical of many contemporary works in which maximum attention is given to the constituents of sound and to their interrelationships.

The functional (Diffused Rays, Reverberations) and art (Variants in Copper) sound installations were designed by Michelangelo Lupone according to the principles of the “Theatre of Listening” in order to offer different fruition environments for the works presented during the “Arte Scienza” international forum and to emphasize the important work carried out by some contemporary composers on the semantic properties of electronic sound, as well as the complex texture of relationships, variations and transformations present in the said compositions.-


Raggi diffusi (Diffused Rays) – Open space

This functional installation was planned for the open space of the Goethe-Institut gardens.The sound sources are distributed over 19 points of radiation characterized by 3 types of timbre. The installation has been realized with “reflecting panels” which convey the sound to different areas of the gardens and design oblique trajectories and a stereophonic perspective modulated in depth and width.


Varianti in rame (Variants in Copper) – Implicit space

This sound art installation integrates the music with the vibrational modes of the material and its plastic shape.

The concept of an integrated work of this kind was first presented in 1997 by composer Michelangelo Lupone and was developed by CRM through specific vibrational research on materials and excitation technologies.

The devices realized with this approach are termed Planephones® for the particular type of plane radiation of the acoustic wave and for the possibility of distributing the frequencies on the plastic volumes of the device, creating an implicit map of sound spatialization.


Riflessi (Reverberations) – Discreet sound space

The functional installation was planned for the Goethe-Institut auditorium and the diffusion of Domenico Guaccero’s electronic works. The sound sources are positioned on the ceiling and use reflecting paraboloids so as to generate highly directional dynamically controllable radiation lobes. There are 30 sound sources which divide the listening space with a dense network of crisscrossing paths that make it possible to obtain fast shifting of the sound and non-linear trajectories. This installation is intended for the integration of a traditional system of surround listening and is designed to extend the control of vertical movements of the sound and the timbric distribution of the sources.


Sunday 19th  h 9 pm

Goethe-Institut Rom, Auditorium

eXtraLight advanced visuals

Performance of music, light and dance



Goethe-Institut Rom giardino

Music by

KEES TAZELLAAR (NL) E pur si muove…, 2001 **

ALEXANDER VOLODIN (RU) Circles Part I, 3,02 / Part II, 3,02 / Part III **

SILVIA LANZALONE (I) Improvisation for

electronic sounds (live recording)

ANGELO BENEDETTI (I) Incubi, 2002 ***

JOHN WOLF BRENNAN (CH) Equilibrio precario, 2004 *, version for electronic sounds

Monday 20th h 8 pm - 9 pm

Goethe-Institut Rom, giardino

Music by

ANTONINO CHIARAMONTE (I) Bushin Gokyu Ho, 2003

MASSIMO FRAGALÀ (I) Contaminazione, 2003

WALTER CIANCIUSI (I) Contro i prometeici maghi dell’autopoiesi innovativa, 2004 *

RODERIK DE MAN (NL) Dark intervals, 2003 **

Tuesday 21st  h 9 pm - 11 pm

Goethe-Institut Rom, giardino


A sonic trip beneath the Alps **

Project promoted and commissioned in 2003 by Pro Helvetia – Arts
Council of Switzerland

Construction sonor” is a conceptual album, a sonic journey beneath the Alps, taking us down into the tubes and shafts of the Gotthard and Lötschberg, along the rail link being built to connect north and south. A journey we are embarking on with 13 music projects, composers, sonic inventors and programmers who live along the route or in Switzerland’s neighbours (Berlin and northern Italy), who will finally be connected thanks to the new rail link.

There are also three participants – from France, Austria and Egypt – representing the 23 nationalities working at the construction sites. Though they all personify different genres, they are connected by a single concept. All of the participants were supplied with the same source material: fieldrecordings commissioned by Pro Helvetia from the Zurich musician and composer Bernd Schurer.

The composer placed microphones at the tunnel and rail construction sites, in the shafts, along the conveyor belts and at railway stations. This material, was used by the 13 musicians invited to take part in the project, presented in Rome for the first time.

BERND SCHURER (ZH/CH) Construction sonor fieldrecordings

(estratti / excerpts)


BALDUIN BE/CH) Creative Constructed Tunnel Session

BORIS BLANK (YELLO) (ZH/CH) Lightosphere

DONZÉ / JEAN / QUENNOZ (VS/CH) Night & Day & Night

DRUMPET (UR/CH) Fierabig

ERIK M (F) Ur-Sprung





MAHMOUD REFAT (EG) Flapping Motion


TABLE (TI/CH) OhneHalt


Wednesday 22nd h 8 pm - 9 pm

Goethe-Institut Rom, giardino

Music by

MICHAEL OBST (D) Metal drop, 1979

LISA WALKER (CA) Transients, 2001 **

RENE UYLENHOET (NL) Wedge, 1994 **

FRANCIS DHOMONT (CA) Forêt profonde - Antichambre, 1994- Sortilège, 1994


Tursday 23rd h 9 pm - 11 pm

Goethe-Institut Rom, giardino

Music by

CHRISTIAN CALON (CA) Les corps éblouis, 1993 **

Elena Katz Chernin (RU) Procession, 1999 **,  Hot air, 1999 **

Rodrigo Sigal (MEX) Friction of thinks in other placet, 2002 **



Photo: M. Carroccia